5:Full Spectrum God

God is bigger than our own personal context and experience. When we stick with those who share a common world view or faith experience there is a danger of settling into a single expression of God or single colour of God. When we don’t open our hearts to diverse understandings of God we miss out on the wideness of who he is. We rob ourselves of the full spectrum of his being. There are core truths of who God

4:Go Ahead, Ask Questions, You Can’t Offend God

What is the question or a thought you are afraid to give voice? God is fully interested in us. His sole purpose in creating us is to know us and for us to know Him. This knowing only comes from asking questions and digging deeper into relationship. This is why our questions don’t offend God. And our questions should not offend each other. Questioning is not evidence of a lack of faith, it is a sign of a craving

3:Curious Questions, Christian Fight Club and Removing the Fear Factor

Did you know that ‘rightness’ can cause relational deafness? When we enter into conversations with people who hold different perspectives than ours, we can choose to be right or we can choose to be relational but we can’t be both. This doesn’t mean that we must abandon all of our beliefs and principals in order to have relationships, it means that we can check our fear at the door and find the common space we share. Community is not

2:Brave Spaces vs Safe Spaces

Are you brave enough to be uncomfortable? When setting the tone for conversations about faith renovations we need to make a conscious decision to open our minds to the truth and experiences of others. It is in hearing about the faith journey of others that we can see potential for growth in our own understanding. But this kind of engagement requires us to move from safety and comfort into bravery and connection – even in the face of disagreement.