
Diversity is in the details. Diversity is more than representation. It is valuing the difference in our experiences and perspectives. It is moving beyond tokenism and into intentional relationship. Sometimes, though, we can see diversity as a threat to our faith journey. When this happens we become bogged down in the practice of following Jesus and lose the actual way of being with Jesus. Fear leads us to a deeper dedication to the religious expression of following rather than


Do you know the difference between unity and uniformity? There is a reason why the analogy of a body is used in connection with The Church, we are meant to be different from each other yet still connected to one another. We are meant to each have our individual part to play in the same symphony. God created us uniquely different from each other yet somewhere along the way we made uniformity the goal instead of unity. Unity leaves

7:Trust Isn’t For the Faint of Heart

Journeying in faith requires that we trust God at work in each other. Many of us have grown up in a faith context that has valued obedience. We have become good at obeying the direction of the Known but that isn’t what trust really looks like. Trust means accepting the unknown, the mystery, the murkiness of uncertainty. Trust means removing fear and falling into the certain love of God and believe that this love is enough to save us

6:Boundaries, Triggers and Resiliency, Oh My!

What if triggers are actually opportunities for growth? What would it look like if we were brave enough to sit with our triggers and explore the ‘why’ behind our feelings? What would it look like if we set good boundaries while still being willing to lean into our triggers and dismantle them? Building resiliency in our faith is empowering and freeing. By moving beyond our instinctive reactions to uncomfortable questions and finding words to frame our journey we can