Our podcast launches tomorrow. I want to be wise and inspiring and let you all know that I (Karina) am feeling confident and excited to hit the ground running.  But honestly – this feels a lot like birthing my first baby and I’m more nervous than anything. Deep down I think it’s going to be really good once we get the hang of it.  

But can we talk?

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I could spend a whole podcast, maybe two, telling you all the things we wish were different about the surrounding circumstances.  Nichole and I wanted to get a launch team together, we wanted to actually BE in the same space and make a party of it when it happened. We wanted to start at the end of September- we wanted the debut to be a lot of things. But here we are- a bit overdue, understaffed and underfunded but happy and maybe secretly proud of ourselves for what we’ve just done. And nervous. Also nervous. 

It’s like when I went into the hospital over 20 years ago with classical music playlists, notes on how to breathe and a detailed birth plan all to ensure I’d waddle in and skip out of the hospital within 24 hours.  As a seasoned mother now I just want to smile and give my young self a big hug, pet my hair and say “shhh, shhh, shhh… it will be ok.” Planning is great and necessary but that doesn’t mean it happens that way, does it?

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It’s okay that none of it went according to my intentions because, in the end, we got our baby. Sure the music never played and I might have had a c-section after labouring for over 24 hours and spent 4 days recovering in the hospital but…we had the baby!, an amazing girl who had the nerve to grow up and go to school in New Brunswick- but that’s a story for another time. The unpredictable journey of life as a family that would grow to include 4 more kids had begun.  

And so it is with this podcast.

So it is with life, actually.

Sometimes saying yes and doing it imperfectly is the only way forward.

We recorded the first podcast a few times and finally had to admit that this was the best first thing we had to offer.  It’s not bad, it might even be good. It’s just very first-time anxious podcaster-y. That can be a thing, can’t it? A little rambly, a little nervous, a lot of rabbit-trails but full of love, hope and lots of over-sterilizing of soothers. (Or was that just me?)  

Doing our right-now best is the way this family is getting started.  We’re eager to have conversations with you and we don’t want to wait for it to be perfect – gosh do we ever need permission to not be perfect these days.  We are showing up as our best selves and inviting you into the process with us. Together. We’re believing imperfect but together is going to bring beautiful things into this world.

Can’t wait to share the baby with you tomorrow,

Karina 🙂