Journeying in faith requires that we trust God at work in each other.

Many of us have grown up in a faith context that has valued obedience. We have become good at obeying the direction of the Known but that isn’t what trust really looks like. Trust means accepting the unknown, the mystery, the murkiness of uncertainty. Trust means removing fear and falling into the certain love of God and believe that this love is enough to save us all. Trust means recognizing the truth that we are all image-bearers of God, that he is with us all, at work in us all, and bringing us each into fullness through relationship in his time. Trust isn’t easy but it is essential in this faith journey.

“Sometimes you have to remind yourself that if you’d walked a mile in someone else’s shoes you might actually be in their shoes. That’s a really humbling thing to imagine … We are defined more by the possibility for growth and change and believing and that whole process than we are by the differences in our opinions right here, right now.”
